The pic with the laser eyes wins. Really cool. Now what would really be funny is if he makes favorites for it. Ha ha.
Nice. Cool idea and a REALLY good idea with the animated gif. Nice post.
Ha ha. This one is my 4th console. I know better than to blindly trust what comes from the repair center. (Whole story)
Shouldn't this be consolidated in some way with the other thread, as many of the same questions/answers are coming up in both threads? EDIT by...
Never heard of this and doubt it is true... A friend I play with has not beaten the game on Legendary, and he ranks up just fine - seemingly no...
Wow, nice work. So I can just continue making my map that I've been working on, saving often, until I run into the limit? Then end without saving...
I'm a Colonel, noob factor (grade) 2. My highest is (was) 42 in Lone Wolves. Obviously I want my wings, but Force Colonel sounds cool...
Whoa. This is a hilariously awesome idea. You've even got the ball return on the side. I just wish there was a way to tighten up the scoring (but...
My current 360 stopped reading discs. It would just say "Unplayable Disc" in the tray at the bottom of the dashboard, no matter what disc I put in...
Re: UPSIDE DOWN Foundry Ha ha ha... is that exactly the default layout, only upside down?
Wow. This map looks incredible. The map I'm working on looks like crap to me now. Great work Furious, master of boxes.
So what's the deal with several people claiming you're not supposed to shoot when you're the cat during my last TGIF party? This wasn't how we...
Really cool maze. Love the flaming soccer ball. Lots of neat ideas in here. And don't let anyone discourage you about the difficulty. I thought it...
Can you do this with multiple item types? For example, can you make a Foundry map with extras of all the immovable items?
Greetings... The loco looks great, keep em coming.
Yes. Finally some competitive BTB. I'm tired of ending up with 4 screen-lookers (guests) on my team every time.
This looks awesome... a really cool take on VIP, and a REALLY cool idea with choosing your class. nice vid too.
Hilarious. When you flush, does the water swirl a different direction depending on the hemisphere you're in?
I agree that this is frustrating. Hopefully someone will find a glitch. I mean overall, it's doubtful, but definitely not impossible. I wonder...
Using the camera for the character face was the coolest feature. I hope they improve the load times for those too.