Yay confirmation of Halo 4 at PAX Prime! I am so excited, you guys have no idea.
What the hell is a "Books"??? Seriously though, which book? I thought I'd read them all, perhaps I forgot.
Where did you hear that from?
The last we saw of Jun in-game he was boarding a Pelican with Halsey. So unless somebody killed him off in one of the books and I missed it, I'm...
Why would being able to unstick yourself be more fair. Why would I even bother throwing the damn thing if you're just gonna magic it off yourself....
I don't believe this, because the arena type games have always been the most fair and competitive to all. Edited by merge: My "There's your...
Well there's your problem right there. I grew up on the tail end of Halo 1 and had my Xbox Live through the beginning and the end of Halo 2. I...
As someone who is attending PAX Prime for all three days, I approve this unofficial message.
Scorch, get out of my head. I have noticed this as well, 343i talked all about how they wanted to ensure everyone that it was still Halo and was...
Fotus looks like a cross between Crysis and Infinity Blade. I approve.
But the Flood are so much fun to fight! Yeah, I really disliked the majority of H3 campaign.
The Magic Behind Halo 4 - Halo 4 (Xbox 360) - IGN Video Several things I noticed in this trailer: 1) Blue-tinted Promethean Knights, probably...
If it was radar specific, it would actually be okay with me. But no, must appeal to **** of Poopy :(
I definitely feel you on that man. I remember somebody mentioning "opening up the gameplay options" as in letting us tweak every setting, and I...
Again with the dumb helmets! Although, one of those looks like what those InvisiBrute bastards wore in H3. And as of right now, I don't like the...
True. But I still don't like the look of it. Same reason why I didn't like GUNGNIR in Reach. Edited by merge: Hey Scorch, let's me and you go...
Yes. They aren't Halo, because Halo is all about dat visor. But visor = peripheral vision, soooo. Yeah. It's just silly. It would be like looking...
Can not unsee. Still stupid though.
I seriously hate every helmet shown so far. Absolutely none of them have any sort of peripheral vision, and considering the FOV in Halo, it's...