You don't want bad kids who barely understand design theory to test your maps anyhow. The TG is a joke. Your better off finding good forgers and...
Amen! And 343 is composed of many former Bungie employees who were involved with the earlier titles ya know... I've got high hopes for 343.
Congrats on another FHF victory dude. You seem to have a large following here... Anyways, this is my favorite of your maps by far. Good work. My...
I like this map but it just doesn't capture the same feeling The Pit had. I don't know what it is but something is off. Congrats tho.
I wish I had a map.... however, no matter how couldit could be, it would be passed up as this is a popularity contest. Such bs. :(
What standards? Will I be able to find them if I analyze Zealot? What about Reflection? Midship? Guardian? Lockout? These are all maps the shipped...
I am holding a LAN party soon with some friends and was wanting to play only forged maps. We want to play a good variety of maps, mostly...
Why is there such a distinguishment between a "MLG" map and a "competitive" map, like how we have two different sub forums here. Shouldn't the...
I saw this on FHF... Why are people picking this? I DL'd it expecting a fun map but I felt closterfobic no matter were I went. The lag was not fun...
Maps should be a solid blend of game play and aesthetics. It may not be ugly, but its not pretty. And no matter how good game play is, I don't...
Fall damage isn't hard to fix, you just have to angle the mancannon down 5 degree. :/ This is pretty good for a first map. Best of luck in your...
I keep getting frame rate in the bases. I also don't care for the aesthetics. Its not a pretty map.
This is the most amazing map I have ever seen. Wow. Good job. Too bad you cant color it. :(
Astroid Base by PsychoDuck Select by Schnizel Kingdom by Sik
I looked at it in Forge today and saw it is the size of a grid. That is a good size right? I want to make a map that is non-symmetrical like this...
Saw this in the voting thread thingy. I LOVE city maps. And the screen shot you have for the main title is cool. Too bad both guys are blue...
Saw this in the favorites voting thingy. This map likes a little small. I don't have many friends on reach so I can't play it either. I'm not...