I love how close quarters this map is! Its great how it evens the game against all those DMR whoring try hards! Finally a map where every one has...
I love that kids expect witty or intelligent dialogue from military characters in a movie. I especially love when people moan about cheesy or...
No, its because your a bad forger that sucks at spawns. How can you even contemplate blaming the developer for your own error? By your logic, bad...
This is one of the best maps I've seen in a looooooooong time. I'm over joyed that some forgers still put gameplay over prettyness,. Wicked map...
I like the map because it is unorthodox and isn't well balanced. I like it because it has an aesthetic theme and still plays well enough to be...
This map is one of many reasons I do not play MLG. It may be pretty, but parts are too open and others feel clustered. I always get spawn wrecked...
Sign me up for this bandwagon. Add Hoglaunch.
Is this ever going to be released?
This looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see it released!
Isn't the contest for 4v4 maps? This looks too small and linear. I'll take the CoD maps over this.
Wicked map dude! But where's the low grav section? That's the best part of the original! #needsmoarstarwars
Clover. Reminds me of that (awful) movie Cloverfeild, accept much better. I like how it resembles a collapsing city sort of thing. Very cool.
Beautiful map dude. The file you linked to, that's the old version no? How long till you release the map? I want to see it soooooo bad! Could you...
I only like one map here. Android. The rest are just ugly. :(
Looks like you've proportioned this map inadequately... Its massive. Too massive. The dance floors are ridiculously huge and the lines of sigh,...
Actually broski, I said I "suspected". Did I state any facts? No. I implied there might be some sort of connection, which is a far cry from a...
I don't plan on forging... I just play the game and evaluate other maps. I want to forge, but can't be bothered. The thing is that it is unfair...
I find the hallways to be a tad too tight and the center of the map a little barren. Controlling top mid is a necessity, but the transition of...
Select won... Meh, only shows that the winner has a lot of friends here. :/
There was a cry of "ZOMG CORRUPTIONZ!!!11!1 ;)" on the first page. This map is at least good though. Still doesn't come close to The Pit and the...