i really enjoyed this map thanks for letting me be a tester
i spy the moniter is [IMG]
johnson [IMG] johnson scared of girls [IMG] [IMG] bw [IMG] bw2 [IMG] bw3 [IMG] loose goose [IMG] blue chrome [IMG]...
I just sent you a friend request ON XBL
if anyone wants mess around and take pics hit me up GT:CP3TIMCP3
im the haybusa YouTube - halo 3 teambag
no it does not
purple spartan [IMG] purple spartan2 [IMG] mario [IMG] mario 2 [IMG] purple girl purple spartan 3 [IMG] Golden Goose [IMG]
the samus one is beasty but it seems the focus is more on her chest which i dont really get but everything is really good the first one is okay...
this took me a long time [IMG]
ok i know spiderman sigs are getting kinda old but here it is anyway!! [IMG]
use gimp thats what i use it is not very hard it is alot like microsoft paint but way better. I just started using it and it is alot alot better...
like me
yeah i know but the other guy made it sound oh thats easy but really it is not. mace how long did this take you?
i just started gimp and this will help me alot
this good do not listen to him