believe me there are a lot of hidden ways to get to the other side
i thought about that but i wanted a little less light.
thank you and i did that but ran out anyway. something to do with the infinite money canvas i guess
yeah sorry for no weapons list when i got to uploading i forgot what weapons were there, i will edit my post, and btw the pictures are taken in...
The map looks great but i won't know for sure until i download, tell your brother to keep up the good work.
[IMG] Stones mark the path to victory, but what grants can deny it to you the same. This is my first post so sorry for not knowing how to do...
Good good map but the only thing is that you posted in casual instead of competitive. just change that i love the map though
thank u for all the pics
nicely done to whoever made it
srry but i am not a fan of puzzle that are how good can you jump. try making one that makes you think
i have always wanted to know what that crate obstacle was so what is it
wow nice map and descriptions
nice work
awesome i never thought of putting an oddball at the end of my puzzle maps thanx
cool i make a lot of puzzles ( not uploaded cause i don't know how) and i hate it when people cheat How do i upload.
awesome i want it
the one thing is we can't tell much based on the dscription
thats usefull
pretty nice
very nice puzzle