Sup birthday buddy!
Did anybody see those jpegs I put up? They sum up why multiplayer is a huge fail. BIG time. Even EA can netcode better than that, and they haven't...
This is a serious spoiler. Click at your own risk. I do not recommend. This is a short sentence. I'm Morgan Freeman. [spoiler] Halo minus 4 anybody?
from a techincal point of view i.e. he doesent autotune that much. and you can see why he does it. Also, Dat (hit)BOX! OMG!
Good find. Seems to me that the hit box issue is still GIANT! I mean, you can be fully off the character and still get a red hit box. I hate the...
the b&w? They are on ear. They have no "active" noise cancellation. They just fit superbly. Sound leakage they are above average, from what I have...
and the box
Dat limited edition. Holy FUU.... £65! That is quite a lot. But clever marketing on 343i's part. That falls slap in the middle of the limited and...
Glad to know you like the P5s. Just unbelievable. Theres a lot less bass than you will be used to, but its more of a refined, almost higher class...
Oh dear god. Just read the weekly update. - Weapon skins. WHY!!! It's trivial I know, but I just don't like the idea. - Competitive multiplayer...
HUZAH! A fellow audiophile! The first thing I would recommend to you is that you need to keep an open mind. A set of headphones will never EVER...
Praise m$ Also, this MUST BE SHOWN TO THE WORLD AS A FH MEME! lawl. got told.
Well, I think the biggest difference is that the Halo 4 one doesn't say bungie. And, em. Looks like concept art. And PEGI wouldn't ahve rated it...
is overclocking worth my while? I know it can improve performance up to extremes, even like 40%, but won't it reduce the lifespan of my system?
Value for money is the main reason I want to build my own. Plus I get a bit more freedom when making it. Even still, I do appreciate your help...
I am an absolute novice at building PCs. Never done it. Don't really intend to. Don't know how to flash hardware. ANYWAY :O I'm looking at...
I baked you a cake, but I ated it.
happy birthday
Creating geometry in vista's map editor was hard, yes, but that does not mean that there is no room for improvement. Perhaps pre-fab plain shapes...
Sudden realisation that would be absolutely awesome and the bestest thing in existence. halo 2 vista editor port This :O This fully fledged map...