or just existing in general.
[IMG] Pistol looks kinda... odd. Like a more sci-fi version of the H3 magnum. (with reused reach asset :D) Might be old, not sure.
It just doesn't look Haloy to me. Too cartoony. To me, it just reinforces the fact that nobody starts a game equal.
Nope, go for it. I have nothing else to be editing at the moment anyway. I had a look at my map and decided it just wasn't videoable
Harsh Super Happy Not So Fun Time :( - The editing you did almost didn't exist. It looked like random clips from file shares that didn't blend...
Anybody have a map in a finished state that I could get right into editing and recording with? Come to think of it, it might be worth doing my...
I assume that sprint will become click the stick forward.
The ONLY rule: Ask Stevo about FOrge Hub Trolololol.
It's no problem Also, big update! I just found I have a copycat channel, DuelWeldGamers. hardeharhar. So anyway, I am still taking submissions,...
Might be a file size/asset thing. Another button indicator is another thing to make. Which takes time. Or it might be because it takes time out...
I'm just going to give you my background. ITS SO AWESOME! [IMG]
What about some form of enemy proximity or LoS thing, like the way spawning works. If an enemy isn't within x metres and/or cannot be seen, no...
The betrayal system can be a bit of a pain. Especially when there are massive knobs around. I think there are a few ways to define the difference...
Of course :D Particularly if somebody buys me a copy. Har har. So ATM, I am starting to get the big, difficult GCSEs out the way, so I now have...
OK, I have just had a look at both of your maps. Robo. Bad news chap. Its a great map, but I think it is too open and does not have enough fine...
That kinda thing I like. Different textures on the skins. I just hope they don't go OTT (you can't see the red or blue team colours)
I think Organite. Hes a pretty kewl gai.
TBH, I would recommend simply walking into your local hi-fi shop, saying "I want to spend arouund $250, maybe more if its worth it." Let them show...
I think it might be similar to the theater hitbox lag problem in COD. If that is the case it is no biggie from a technical POV, but it makes...