attention Everybody: If You Dont Believe Me That The Gameplay Is Good, Then Try It Yourself, And One More Thing, I Can Geomerge Quite Well I Just...
hey, looks like a good sniper map, but im not a big fan of snipers, so unfortunately for you i will not be downloading, but still good map 4/5
KoTH is not supported but it could be if people think that its a good idea
This is a map supports "Team Slayer", "Multi-flag" and "Territories". Basically there are around 35 geo merged objects throughout the map, and it...
GT: KUBLUH Size: best sig size (im not sure what that size is though) Gender: Male Pic: [IMG]
looks pretty good for free for all slayer variants, but i'm not so sure about multi-flag but one flag or one bomb looks fun, weapon placement...
nice idea, it does make sense but what about a fire scarab
nice map, i like the tower idea, 5/5, dling...
Dude i created a map like this a few months ago, so basically you stole this and mine had the exact same name
I really like the idea of your beginning, just for that ill give this map a 5/5, nice job
wow, nice map, 5/5, dling now!
Ahhhhh, the good old classic maps,5/5
looks pretty good and i know i would want to play infection on it, great job, 5/5
Nice map, like the idea of running around in NY from zombies, almost even like I am Legend, great job 5/5
This looks fun and creative and also looks like im going to dl it and test it then i'll get back to you about how i think it plays
nice first post and interlocking, looks fun i'll dl it and check it out.
nice idea, but lately ive been seeing people use pallets but the only problem with that is you can break the pallets or that could be a good...
It looks ok, but is there any specific gametype and what gametypes can you even play on it? Action Shots? Pretty good first post. 4/5
thanks for all of your reasonable comments and tell some friends to play this if you liked it
wow nice map, i really enjoy that its original and it reminds me of the last time i saw a rocket launch! 5/5 nice job