Looks very cool and fun i will download it and play on it later
Wow the turbine looks sick anyways very cool map
Hi this my 3rd map on forge hub. The Background Story The year 2378 the bombarding continues and humans are not safe.Some people decided to create...
Wow only 2 comments this map deserves more than that.I realy love the city.The whole infection series....I loved it and like SquidMan said I can't...
wOW man your forging skills are awesome love your attention to detail
Wow great job man a very cool map I especially like the laundry room it looks so realistic anyhow just downloaded it and will play it later on
I might be able to join you forge crew but what times do I have to be active
Making an Invasion map
What do you mean by fine tuning
Hi this is my second map I posted on forge hub.The year is 2157 there is war in the world.This the Purgatory, a town were there was the most blood...
Insel der Toten Hi this is my first post and it is an infection map called Islen der Toten meaning Island of the Dead.The story is well you are...