If you made this for infection then you did an okay job although I would get rid of the Banshee unless you gave the Zombies something to...
nice map! I like the way you set up the whole design you have there, the interlocking also looks great along with layout. The geomerging looks...
Sweet map. The layout seems nice the design looks great and the interlocking looks okay, although if it were me I would have interlocked a lot...
Other than the shortage of an overview pic, the map seems great from what I'm seeing. The interlocking looks good and the layout (of what I can...
Nice map. The design looks okay and the layout seems to be smooth, I like the use of the banshee and like Vinco Onmia said do you have any...
Sweet map, I like the use of the skybox. The map design looks great especially the narrow wooden bridge. The interlocking looks good but seems...
I like the thought and idea you have there, I'm not to fond on the map layout/ design. If only it were a little different, fused into the ground...
Looks like I'll have a lot of fun playing this, and I guess I'll download it right away. You did a great job with the interlocking and the...
first off I would like to say that it is the best foundation remake I have ever came across so far, second I will download! The map looks really...
sweet map! I like how the geomerging and interlocking looks. The concept and map design is great! If you are capable of making these great of...
Emerald Ninja is a (what I think) sweet screen shot of a green blast and the combination of a little blue plasma. This screenshot was a...
great! I've been looking for a map like this I'll download right away!
Nice map, it definitely looks symmetric and it seems smooth although it might look better if you were to hide the man-can that leads you to the...
Sorry man but I need to see more in order to know what I'm looking at, it's great that you know how to embed but you need at least 3 pics...
Nice map! The map looks great, I like that you used the sky box for this map since falling off does kill you unlike foundry's teleporter system....
Outstanding map! I like the map design as well as the gameplay which seems smooth keep it up, I always like to see great and awesome maps!
Like I said to an earlier map such as this one, I will not rate it b/c I don't have the map pack yet, but by the looks of it it seems really good...
This seems interesting and the gameplay seems to work fine, I like the idea along with the map design!
I'm sorry man, but I would rather look at embedded pics than links to picks in your screenshot gallery. You should learn how to do this so you...
I agree with the reviews a good idea but I don't see how this could be fun. Try to test it out more and more frequently and if you or the testers...