Sweet map, I like the design of it and the use of the crypt. The interlocking is great and the gameplay seems to work with your map. I hope to...
Nice sandtrap map you have there and the idea of having an armored warthog is amazing I like the way it fits on the hog and just like most of the...
The map looks good for a beginner, although I would recommend it that you learn to interlock so it could look nicer (although you did a good job...
Nice map! I like the design and the idea you have with the power-ups so players can tell what has respawned. Although I think that the map would...
Sweet, this map looks amazing and the use of the skybox was a perfect choice to use for this map. The interlocking is outstanding and the design...
Great map, I like the fact that you used cold storage, a map I barely see as a forged map! The map design is great I like how you use the walls...
Nice map you have and sense I heard that some people rated your map a 1 star I gave you 5/5 to make the voting seem more easier and fair. The...
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Sweet race map, even though it doesn't look like much I like the fact that you used Orbital instead of sandbox like everyone else!
I recommend that the next time that you make a race map on sandbox that you use the sky box that way when the players fall off they won't land on...
I like the design of the map although it would be nice if you could fuse the man-cans into the flooring of the map so it would look nicer, other...
Interesting map you have there the design is unique and the layout seems different along with the interlocking that looks amazing great job! I'll...
Sweet map I like the design and layout you have there. The interlocking is good and I enjoy how you got the man-cans in the ramp for the gameplay...
Sweet map, I like the design and the use of the vehicles including the banshee, but don't you think that it would be hard to control the banshee...
Nice map, although it does seem a bit crammed by looking at the pics, but anyways the map,s interlocking looks smooth (some what) I would...
Nice job, I'm not a fan though on recreations of other game ideas since that's not original but if I were to choose the best remake of ****...
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Amazing map, the map looks great and I'm pretty sure I would have fun on it as well, the design/ layout looks great and the interlocking looks...
Well even that most people enjoy the round about tracks so you can have endless fun (and what not) I do suggest you make a round about interlock...