A live spectate mode (or spectate as party leader) that would carry on to the next game. Basically, spectate as it already exists, but live, and...
Agreed, that remixing is only one kind of forging. And also agreed that the best ones are original. I just am optimistic that with the tools...
I'd have a little faith. There are good Forge maps, and what are Forge maps but a remix of an existing map? True, maps that are built on a flat...
That's a handy info graphic. Homemade? Edit, saw the mothership.
I know, right? I love the idea of getting constant Forge/Customs updates, but I was a little pessimistic lol.
Following up on Res's question, are there any walkable water areas, like H2A's Awash floor? Edit, because reading the post a second time helps...
Do you have your stream times posted? No guarantees I'll be on when you're live, but it'd be easier to find.
Just focusing on the evolving Forge aspect, I think semi-regular content updates would be awesome. Here's a question though. Would you be...
Interesting video, man. First off, huge points for style. There was some quality video editing, audio splicing, and overall high production...
Got word you updated to final version. It is SO DELICIOUS. (Which, for my viewers at home, is more than normal Delicious.) Window jump...
Looks good, plays well. 'Nuff said. Actually... there was one major issue that kept me from enjoying this map. The superbounce is broken.
Fair enough - I didn't get into the objective gametypes, but hearing that helps me sleep better at night. (Because, you know, I really care that...
All righty then, here's the feedback I promised... Pros: - First off, visuals remain excellent - the map does indeed feel like a base inside of...
I can't get over how much I love the jumps in this map. It seems as if every single decorative piece on this map serves a secondary purpose as...
I gotta disagree here - the floor helps break up the gray-ness. Also, the bridge adds some very nice flavor to what would be an otherwise bland...
I didn't have any problems with the gametype when I played - was the map was a blast.[/drumkit] I really loved the idea, and the use of the...
I'm loving the theme, and the extensive backstory you gave to it. I'll DL and get back here with some feedback.