QUICK NOTE: Now that I have your attention, I NEED feedback! I would love for this to be the best it can possibly be before it goes LIVE on...
No, the guy runs over the girl with a car on the 30th of October, Frank appears on the 2nd of October. And I'm pretty sure Donnie was in a car...
But... Wait... What did Donnie do that threw him back in time to just before the jet kills him?
*looks at Grunge...* *looks at Drugcola...* *looks back at Grunge* I don't really see a resemblance... Anyway, welcome to ForgeHub,...
This map actually looks pretty good! The aesthetics are nice, the gameplay looks good, and the layout is nice... I'd say 4.4/5. I'll DL for...
Hey Road Runner! Welcome to ForgeHub! Just read the rules like Insane said and don't get on SargeantSarcasm's bad side. Seriously, he's not fun...
Cool! so you're basically going everywhere you ever wanted to go? Cool, Very cool. Btw, If you happen to drive through Canfield, Ohio on your...
I didn't get the plot. This is what I did get from it. These are spoilers, for those of you who haven't seen it yet. [spoiler] Anything I missed?
Title says all.
OSHI- *Glassed* Or "WHAT THE FU- *Glassed* Or "Carter: I LOVE YOU CATHERINE, I ALWAYS HAVE!" "Jorge: ..." "Emile: ..."...
Well..... I myslef kinda am a musician, but only local and stuff. We're trying to get our songs on Rock Band or Guitar Hero to boost our...
Wow! THAT is cool! and handy, and... I got nothing to say! Robot Super-Soldiers anyone? EDIT: Wait, Where do you find all this stuff, lights?
Don't we all? But yeah, Probably become an actor
Well Halo Wars was set like 30 years or something before Halo: CE, soooooo yeashh.
Do you think that since we saw Flood in Halo Wars that we'll maybe see The Flood in Reach? Discuss.
Okay, What is Bioshock, Is it worth $49.99, and should I play the first before attempting the second?
1. Monty Python and The Holy Grail 2. Napoleon Dynamite 3. Ocean's Eleven 4. Avatar 5. Transformers 6. X2: X-Men United 7. School Of Rock...
Hey there, this is GR4V3mind117 here and I formed a group with Rook (Formerly known as RC or Reigning Chaos) and SRC48 called G-Forge Productions...
Okay, the gametype is Forgewar, it is in two rounds at the minimum. the first round lasts 8:00 or until both teams verify that they are...
lol. You mean Beacon? And yeah this was crap load of work to make. Took almost a week to do. But yeah, Thanks Boomer! Yeah it took quite a...