Hey, I started a ForgeHub Band. Interested?
So you play electric guitar? or acoustic?
What program do you use? If it's GarageBand and stuff like that, it'll be fine.
No, seriously. I was thinking about how we used to do stuff like this, and thought it would be cool to actually pull a real band together and make...
This is the best Zelda Fan Film ever IMO. YouTube - Legend of Link - Scene 1 - Creation of the Triforce YouTube - Legend of Link - Scene 2 -...
Duuuude. This map is so kick-butt! It is a near PERFECT recreation of Ganon's Tower. 5/5 This is the Wind Waker version, correct?
YouTube - OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official This is THE best music video ever.
Nice avatar
Cool, everyone likes this idea. But the question is: Foundry or Sandbox? If I do Foundry, I get the dark, industrial, unsettling atmosphere...
My Next Aesthetic-Ish Project (Be warned, Toy Story 3 spoilers inside) Okay, so I have decided that my next project will be TOY STORY 3 SPOILER:...
We all love Halo, right? all the characters and such? Now YOU get to play the role of the Halo characters in the midst of a struggle against the...
Okay, I'm creating a puzzle map called 9. The reason it's called 9 is because there are 9 floors, each has 3 puzzles. They start out relatively...
There is one last plot twist, but I'm saving it for later... And this may be my last post, possibly the last time you will ever see me online,...
Ooh. Yeah, I'll work on that. What I'm worried about is if they'll take me seriously if I ask them on Facebook or something. :lol: And I still...
Alright, thanks for the links Poztar. We're filming this ourselves and we'll use some pretty awesome costumes... And thanks. We're gonna need it.
:omg: You actually think so? :squirrel_blush: biiiiiiggggg screeeeeeennnnnn Yes. Yes we are.
Alright. Fixed it. Thanks! and yeah it'll probably be on YouTube in 20 10-Minute parts. Not including the credits.
Updated. Added a list of references to other films and games. and basically took all the comments into account.
Well, William already is, but in a physical form. And William telling Jake to commit crimes would be WAY to much like Donnie Darko
Can you add a poll to my C.A.M. Production's DARKENED thread? I meant to put in a 'rate on a scale of one to five' type poll. Can you put it in...