Alright, do you mean instead of the grav lift going to the bridge its a stair case geomerged? Cuz i think i could do that and it would work. i...
dont double post, and this map looks pretty neat for your first map. ill DL check it out and give you some more feedback later EDIT: Never mind...
Thanks for the positive feed back guys, and star of knights, i wasnt trying to make a remake, i was just trying to make it like beaver creek, with...
I like this alot. It looks like it took you awhile, the aesthetics are good i think and great interlocking. it looks really neat. The only thing...
ya, instead of the gravlifts leading to the bridge i was going to geomerge a double box tilted so you could just walk up on it, but i dont know...
Made by DeltaKiller352(kaboomkunav is my second account) This map is completley symmetrical. It can be used for KOTH, CTF, Assault, and Slayer....
wow, good map, i cant believe it only took you 2 hours. The only thing i dont like about it is that the bridge is walls, and walls are really...
bravo dude, that is pretty freaking original. I like how you did it and it looks really fun im gonna download as soon as possible. Keep coming up...
I made a map alloooongggg time ago exactly like this. It was on blackout and was bigger though. but i did the same thing as you, i made it so...
lol, did you give yourself a 5-star rating? Oh and since everyone else has talked about the post, id like to say that your map(from what is shown)...
Alright i now put up version 2, tell me what you think
Wow this is actually a really fun map to play with a group of people. At first i was like eh thats pretty cool. Now i realize this is extremley...
ya i agree with chaos, i dl and it was pretty fun, but after the second time i played it i got bored and deleted it. I just thought it was...
Oh, well i was working on the second version when i got grounded. In my next version im going to fix spawn killing, ill probably interlock it...
were did it seem like i procrastinated on this map. I came up with the idea and made it the next day. Maybe im misunderstanding because im confused
wow, it reminds me of the first level of halo, great job 5/5
Great map, looks like an imperial star destroyer to me, good job its better than some ive seen
Dude, this is amazing. I bow down to you. I love the first screen shoot, it looks exactly like amphitheatre. 5/5, please make more aesthetics!
Sweet, this was a really fun map. I DL and dont regret it. Nice map dude 4.5/5
nah i wasnt necessarily going for realistic, more of fun. I play paintball in real life and ya, this isnt anything like real paintball. Its just...