Foreign Treasure II remakes and cleaning up some maps on my hdd
So after playing in the previous version most of wat i would suggest is wat uve already been told in the thread. Clear up the clutter, fix some...
I updated my post on your map Retribution. Take a look
I updated my post on your map equality. good stuff :]
Looks pretty cool. You got my download. I'll let u know more when i get a chance to mess around in it. You should add a thumbnail so pple have an...
Downloaded. Let u know more after a playthrough. *EDIT* Ok so after a playthrough here are my thoughts. I think u have a very good layout of the...
I find that a decent way to test framerate issues are to grab a sniper rifle shoot it and walk thru the smoke or get a bunch of bodies and see wat...
Interesting. Im downloading it now and when finals are over i'll run around in it. You've got a lot of pieces here. Hows the framerate?
Yea i was thinking the same thing...of course after i posted it. It was supposed to be some "power supply" for the satellites or something. Thanks...
Circumscribe is a symmetrical map that fits 2-8 players. There are 3 levels to the map. Red and Blue bases are on the main floor, the largest...
well u use the flag for the second armor lock part. i thought i tweaked the grenade spawn time and the fusion coils in part 1. watever. and i...
so i updated the link to the map. it has checkpoints so it should be less annoying when u die. enjoy and lemme know wat u think when u finish it :]
yes u do hafta carry the flag thru the whole map. and thanx twilighttail for the info on checkpoints. lol smokemonster Edited by merge: so im...
as a loadout? i didnt post a downloadable gametype so it might be leftover custom settings from your previous gametype?
Submitted to forgotten treasures 2 contest. set up for most gametypes. no need for custom setting because all of the jumps are set up for reach's...
u dont need a second grenade to make it through the second set of fusion coils, just the flag and good timing. =D how far did u get? and how do...
how would u set up checkpoints? respawn points? or a respawn zone combined with respawn points? if u time it right u can actually skip 2 fusion...
**OK download link has been updated and so has the map. checkpoints have been added in the form of teleporters! *im currently working on an...
Map Name: Lockout V3 Map You Remade: Lockout Number of Players: 4-10 Gametypes: Team Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, [IMG]