looks pretty good hard to tell with your pics cause there arent enough pics and the slideshows pics r to smalle
its really good nice job also i take it that its symetric
the curved bridge is great the map itself is pretty good overall good job
is ok the only thing i question is the big jump
you say the weapons are br rockets brute shots and shotguns but the 5th pic there is a sniper???
i like it alot better than the first one the bumps part is really creative
its pretty good just one part there is nothing to keep you from falling earlier onto the track
its ok i personnally dont like it and think it could be better
its ok and a good idea my only suggestion would be to close off some more entries
looks pretty good but read earth has a point 200% gravity?
lolz i think the map is ok 4/5 it is a good idea though also very clean
just cause its non foundry doesnt make it necessarily that good no offense dude but it looks like a 5 min make you get a 1/5 from me :(
looks pretty good also (i dont know if you invented it or not) but the gametype is a pretty cool idea
by pic size you mean the pics are microscopic
looks pretty good but one thing is i think the bottom floor is a little to empty
thats really good i love it 5/5 my only suggestion is to make the top of it a little more clean
two things 1-more pics 2-the front walls should be higher to prevent things like g-bouncing
that looks really good very clean and organized 5/5
looks like crazy and chaos which i like dont know the gametype but i would think you would start with ov considering all the heavy weps
its ok but all you did was change item spawns