that ok it would be better if you could enter the ship
that looks very good ive seen one like this but this has so much more added great job
thats amzing 5/5 it would look better if there was more shield doors but i know you ran out
u got 24 hours bud to imbed your pics i looked though and you might want to take pics before even posting
dude just imbed your pics it really doesnt take long i dont know why everone doesnt
that looks really good just one thing is the bridges look to high to jump up on if you fall?
omg people gotta stop posting pics from bungie
although its small it does lok extremly fawless pretyy good job
thats actually looks pretty realalistic great job 4/5
i really dont get why everyone thinks this is good the actual structure (no offens) is really bad i do like though the hey marcena part 2/5
alright pretty wierd i think thats a pretty good map but could use a couple adjustments
lol anyways great map it looks really good
1st pic look simular to another map and the other ones are way to small should get them bigger
thats a really cool map great idea and design behind the map to
the pics are way to small untill they r bigger like no one will be able to see them
his pics sizes are fine guys(he might of changed them) leave him alone
i think thats amazing lot nicer and more thought out than the first one great job
that is really well done very clean interlocking great job
wrong section dude just read
extremely unique but the outside battle field is a little empty