got my nat fixed so its open now we gotta think of a team name
uhhhhhh sorry a lot
lockdown im pretty sure shes not if you go to the myspace
why is your name changed lol
can i just say the v1 came out about 3 days ago other than that great map. all the errors in the first were fixed
firetag i said it was kayamans gadget please read instead of just trying ot post at what you see
techniqually this is v2 see i made an original(not on fileshare or ever was) to this map and lots of people encouraged me to make a v2 and this is it
I made it so that humans can't jump in the mancannon shoot and they get shot in the fence box safely protected by the shield doors also if the...
dang i know you guys are trying to help but stop the flaming also i originally didn't plan on posting this but a bunch of people convinced me to...
Shut the door! Created by Own3dyoo credits to kayaman13 for the wall gadget Infection You should(name of gametype) It is for infection and the...
that looks great and hard i cant wait to try it
the first ship looks great the other one is ok and needs a little improvement other than that good job
thats looks very good very cleanly done and nice job figuring out where to put everying 4.5/5
those are great! excellent choices the last one is a great thing that would teach your team teamwork
i have seen that exact same map before it is very simular 99% exactly like chill out/cold storage
some parts are really good and others are too empty should just add a little
looks wierd some parts are good but things like the downed helicopter are kinda unessescary also next time use a smaller font size
looks ok you should of defintively blocked of the top
looks great great idea and product very nice and clean interlocking
you have 24 hours to get this up to standards just follow them there not that hard to follow