So....this has happened to me at least twice so far. When I try to load a particular map, it loads a different one instead, and I can't load the...
I'll warn you right now, in a city map I've noticed you focus on building a big city, or one with enterable buildings. I've done both, honestly I...
Could you be a little more vague? Just kidding, but seriously being a little specific would help. But I do feel like doing a restaurant since...
Well you have me DL'ing right now. I'll admit I wasn't expecting a map like this based on the name, but it at least looks like it has potential....
I DL'ed and looked around. I absolutely love the bathroom. The toilet paper holder was a nice touch to say the least.
Generally it should be easier in the beginning and harder at the end, maybe if you tweak the gametype (as your buget is full) instead of the map,...
Map Name: Bravo Creek Map you remade: Battle Creek Number of players: 2-8 Recommended three (3) Gametypes: Slayer (team or free for all), Oddball,...
For my first post on Forgehub, Bravo Creek. Yep, I'm just making the cut for the contest. Phew. Things that have changed from Battle Creek^:...
Oh good, glad Bungie is looking into it. Hopefully that gets fixed soon. For the game time that's the more important of the two.
Me and my friend are trying to create a new gametype, but it require that we control the order of the drop points in headhunter. Is there anyway I...
Should I have said if they are to taken seriously? An opinion has no value if you can't explain why you have that opinion, even if you blame it on...
Opinions must be backed up. And this one indeed has no logic behind it. A very logical arguement could be made: grenades kill much easier then in...
You failed to logically prove that his friend getting a killtacular backs up his point that grenades are overpowered. That is his logical error,...
You didn't, but the only way you could logically back up the fact that your friend got 5 kills with 2 grenades means they are over powered is if...
Logic flaw is flawed. The grenade doesn't divide up the damage it deals. Its not like if it takes down half the health of one person it takes down...
I haven't really built a full map yet. I've been testing smaller ideas and getting used to the new controls (which while frustrating, I know in...
ha that's funny on the SWTOR site someone mentioned that if it wasn't for forge and theater Halo would suck... Seriously, if Halo didn't have...
Ok that was honestly confusing me. You don't have that in your OP. That makes more sense.
You ought to have the humans teleport back to their spawn if they hit the bottom. Beyond that I don't if it will work well.
When Reach comes out see what happens when you put two 1 ways back to back. One pulling one pushing, it could work. Or you could bounce or be...