nice map but its kind of easy to get out of
cool map il down load
this map seems kind of nubish you should merge some stuff together on this map move around some weopons and then post a v2
it looks like you can get out of these maps to easily
instead of quoting shade im just gonna say i agree with him
i built a map called stronghold to its not ready yet still testing it but instead of a truck it will have a battering ram and a ton of timed...
oh cool you got picks now ya ill dl
ya you said that there are trees but i dont see any
prety cool map im gonna check out some of your others
its funny to trick people on this but i got to admit i was kind of diaspointed i thought it would be an actual carnival map
i cant tell if this will be a really good map or a really bad one when will the link be up
hate to brek it to you but almost everyone has built some kind of vehicle war map
could you at least describe the map before i download it
it has hammers its assault and its on foundry other than that there isnt any thing like griff ball in here and i forgot to mention earlier 5/5
thanks what weopons should i take out or put in
congratulations youve made the first soccer game in h3 with a working point system i really hope this becomes double xp event u should send this...
ok thanks theyll be up soon
ya your map sounded good but there is no link
sorry about the pics i just really suck at computers
you know what would be cool is if instead of a cargo ship you made a drop ship like that and have a tank fall out the bottom like that and have a...