this is cool map ilike what you did with the stairs and all those other interlocking parts i give this map a 4/5 the only problem i have is that...
i think its a nice map i like how its close quarter but at the same time its not the only real problem i have with it is that you put the shotgun...
oh ya i remember alley way it was a prety cool map so im gonna download this one for sure (:
i didnt make the map so i dont know if you ran out of objects but you should put dumpsters on the rocket spawn to make it look more rocky also you...
you should put an armory and a final hold off room for infection stuff like that 4/5 on the map though
it a cool map and i like alien vs predator the only problem is that it looks empty and inside the buildings to
ok because ive gotten infractions for stupid stuff is it just because the post needs to be longer
do you read the infractions before you send them im compleminting people but im getting in trouble for it wtf
well thats your opinion and the one above is mine
i like maps like this where you have to go find a defense position baricade it and gather weopons plus its on an original map not foundry or...
i like its just kinda open
i can just tell this map will be epic i realy like the barriar you have set up
if i can get 100 people to download the map i will make a v2 and fix up some things that even i notice when im playing on it as for the cover its...
looks likke a fun minigame is it for teams cause the map looks kinda 2 sided
thanks for the rating
it looks like a good map but one thing i know from personel expierince is that if you make an intintional hiding spot its realy obvious if...
you have made the next barts manor great map 5/5
hey thanks for the heads up i fixed the link now
thats pretty creative how you have it in the center instead of a floating box on the wall