the asthetics of this map are amazing i realy liked what you did with the stair well and the flamethrower spawn im definatly downloading this 5/5
the sheild doors might be to overpowering in the sniper tower also you can get out of the map to easily fix that and the map will be fine but all...
i cant tell from the angle of the pic is that structure in the first one a pirate ship or a building also for the infection you should give the...
it looks like shanghelios but that doesnt meen you shouldnt forge it it looks like a great map when do you think it will be done
i just gotta say your geomerging skills are great this map looks very playable for a long time.
this map is great if i were you i would make it so it can have more than just infection. i also like the design like the differnt rooms and...
this is unbeilevable you built a giant mother ******* spider on black out you are one of the best forgers i have ever seen im gonna have to put...
this map has some of the best aesthetic features ive seen so good job on that and it looks like the gameplay is smooth and fair also killswitch is...
i like it its open but its not to open you know like the sniper and rockets can get kills easily i didnt see a ghost in any pics but i think that...
this is the kind of map that you see on foundry and its not just on avalanche but the side of avalanche makes it a great map automaticly good job
ive seen other pinball maps before and this one puts them all to shame very nice and very good aesthetics wise will there be a slit pinball 3
ok you need to fix this map up a little people can get out way to easy one grenade and you can get over your wall
ill download any way i just feel like seeing the map
very nice a cant wait to test it out these puzzles look very complex especialy the first one with the room being slanted does it need a specific...
hey i think i remember another map you posted here a couple days ago i liked it this one looks just as good if not better there is one thing thats...
dude this map is sick im dling right now i love those tunnels you have and the main building is really cool to my concern though is that it looks...
this map kinda reminds me of township but the weapons are more clusterd and you have door switches on some buildings its nice map but could use...
ok im not gonna lie this map is sloppy but you had a great idea if i were you i would go back interlock and geomerge it more if you ever do that...
ok i cant tell if its multiple rooms or just that one also i noticed those rockets if its close quarter combat it needs to have one clip or not...
as simple as this map is it seems very well thought out and very fun