got a DL From me. Good map looks sweet playing it rite now
Last picture made me say lol looks kinda good but need moar Cova
Kinda good but looks like the can Camp and possibly Camp the Round and any weapons around the map?
tried that it wouldn't turn down
Dl from me but i plan on using this for something
Kinda good i guess but you should go to Foge 101 and check it out for more awesome maps
Sure i will be in and im on all the time
Im online and also the Amoury Has some stuff to combat the Tanks and Hornets like Missle pods and to make stuff worse. in 3 minutes spawns a Bean...
Theres lots of merging on the attackers side and also Titanfugo its even cause Defenders have lots of vehicles like hornets and tanks.
Story : 2 years ago, 4 men where going to the Army against the "Elites", The plan was to plant the Bomb in the center of there base and kill them...