Im looking for a Forge Partner (Squicky Voice so i don't get Teased) and Can help with the Project Reply with your Tag and i'll Vite you to my Party
Read the Rules you have 24 Hours before Lock EDIT: Welcome to Forge Hubs (FH)
What Gametypes does it Support
Looks fun But go to Photobucket and copy the Pictures from Bungie once you upload them from Halo 3 then after that upload them to Photobucket and...
i see the Pictures but how are the Workers suppose to get to the Job 2.5/5
Arn't u... ah Nevermind
Ok ? what is that suppose 2 Be ??
It's Fun i tested it out and well it has a Certain Twist to Halo just can't Say it cause it is a Secret
Maybe but Choose if you want to do it and Also are the Guardians blocked ??
lol... But HE Will ! *Du Du Dun*
Like the Carrier very Diff... Um looks a Little Cooler then Pond Jump will Download once Hard drive Gets space
Welcome to ForgeHubs *FH* Hope you Injoy your Stay here
Looks Cool. I Want to see the Gas station and Maybe edit this for Moar Pics
what is this ??
Wow its been out longer then that
Read the Rules always have your pics Emblemed by going to Photobucket
Are you sure its 8 Months ??
Wanna team up to make a Part 2 ? ROADKILL ??
you did not make this i saw it on halo 3 before it was posted Fake