Ghost Merging means you Dummy and Item then Before that make 1 Object to never Respawn then push them Away but Dumming (Up+A) Very fats the push...
True true but That guy is Crazy spamming somebody should get a Mod and Stop him from spamming also I Like what it Looks like and Stuff 5/5
What Age r you and i know how to Do all that Jazz
Like what is it a Puzzle Infection Slayer, etc post More before we Ask cause its Kinda hard to Help you EDIT: Ohh ok then Um Maybe use something...
Gamertag: David xd2 Times you can get on: Everday Mic yes/no?:Yes Something describing yourself: Rouge Helmet With Katana Some of your work: Can't...
Working on the Buildings Now making it a V2 !! For saftey Reasons
I Have been -_-
Maybe cause i had to Edit the Map a bit cause of my Friends its looks Crappy Sorry
well hit me Up if you need a Forge Partner GT : David xd2
It only Supports Infection It has it's Own Gametype and It has some L4D Type stuff and Humans Stay alive for 5 Minutes and Minimal Guns and Ammo...
Looks good but can it support KoTH or just Slayer and Oddball ?
Random say what is a Flagmo
Its Just a Sneak Peek of 1 of them
Sorry for Quoting you but Hes Making The Last Area of Der Riese and he believes he Might do Shu Na Numa
Hello and this is my Map Dust out of the Extortion Map pack Here is some Pictures so you don't Here Blah blah blah Over Head of the Map has you...
i'll tell him online and help him don't worry
Yo i would like 2 Play with you and stuff GT: David xd2
Go ODST's go kick some Spartans Butts
Well um the have Deep voices and i Have squicky so mostly Won't work
Well I Give it 5/5 for The best Looking 1 ever