Might make a Remake of it Myself and put it on Sandbox ? Maybe should make it soon
Orion by Metallica / Anyways i like how it Looks even the Needler being the Most Powerfull weapon and such wouldn't a Person camp in a Coner with...
What will happen if the Boats sink you have to Hit them every Minute or so and also what Gametype dos it Have for the Zombie like what Are the...
My record is 23.0 in the Game of Halo sweet lol I Love the 1st Mission of CoD : MW and you made it so Good got 5 Stars outta me
Would like some More pics Please before i post a Review and stuff
Say i Like how you Made the Plans and everything i can't even Make that lol anyways It Looks Awesome so its Gonna be released near My B-Day sweet...
I Could help lol so the V.2 will need a Good dome for Everybody and well A Bigger area Message me United and i'll help when i get the Time
I Would like to Test this and also is this Map just like Lost? Anyways i would like to Play this with you 5/5*
its Suppose to be a Hangout
Only Admins or Mods can Go to that Page i believe
It was hard and i believe He ran out of money cause i Saw the Unfinished part of it
Cool so when is it Gonna be tested for the Last time before it Comes Out ??
1.) Name: Finally Finished Gamerscore : 100G Description: Kill the Same Guy without Killing anybody else in an Rank FFA Playlist 2.) Name:...
Looks cool and what about the Drop pods and also How do the Spartans Choose their class ?
Or say stuff on The Best Lolboxz there is lol or well Post
You can't View or Put anything on your Silver Account
True true but post a Map and you should get Reconized lol Recon anyways welcome to Forge Hubs and Hope you stay here for awhile
Um a Cool looking Recon Guy with Flaming Recon lol or another Spartan !!!
Could i show you a Map im Making right now ?
Dome Rules from what most People say Don't scrap it Keep it and thats my Saying also Don't Scrap the Idea.