lol funny Description anyways Can't wait to Look what the Map looks Like...
Would love to Play this (Or make) this with You guys
I Watched Videos about Asset lol from Youtube and i have a Good idea of what it will be + I Used Rifle Gifles Asset Canvas Credit to him and will...
lolololololololololololololololololololoollololololoololololol - Master chief sucks at Halo 3
Looks Great and i Love AC + AC2 And its mostly the EXACT same from the Start so Well done will love to Play this with you if you want to GT : X RS...
But Maybe he dosn't have Sandbox and maybe thats why he is using Foundry but Yes what Yoyo said Ghost merge and you could have a Decent Seat for...
Sure Invite at my New GT : X RS Sniper X
I'll get some Pics when i get Up and maybe get some Progress Going on it 2morrow So in 8 Hours Pics will be Up
Hi there this is Shadow and i have an Idea using Asset, Even tho i haven't Play asset ever i love how its a 1 Base protect and attack style so i...
I Could help But i ain't Gonna post my Very old Work so Um Bad
Conquest/Asset FTW!!!
I Would help But making 2 Maps and Nearly done for Posting My Map Pack so i maybe could Help *75/25* And you know my GT + 100th Post --- I Would...
Or did you lol Anyways Sounds ROFL Type if you ake this cause were Gonna be Trollers on Our Fav Site but You should Make it and maybe get Sarge to...
-.- yey rit
/\ What Mojo said /\ Anyways this took me like 2 Hours cause i got Confused lol and this was Time Consuming but to Everybody that will Read this...
Yea if you make a V.2 Beta thing + Make it Bigger and More interlocked then People might Download a Bit more but Nice try tho
I Don't think so cause when i Played H2 i didn't see any of my Or my Guests Emblems so this is a 50/50 Chance for Custom Flags
Sweet But yea What is up with the No Flaming Elite guy lol
Cool But what gametypes does It support ? !!!! DON'T READ THAT !!!! EDIT : How does it support Mods ?
Ok then i can Hopefully Help with Blackout and such