happy new year
hey i played with u yesterday lol :)
thx man
eh happy new year
oh snapzzzz dog why iz u be checkingzzz my profile? lol, i jk with u. eh what's up?
yeah sounds great! (eh all of it? lol) like i guess if you wanted to do the vip thing, you have one defender spawn in the hostie room and have...
hey looks like a great map! i just wanted to say that maybe your spawns didn't work because they could've been jammed together a little too close...
wow dude this looks really cool! for some reason it reminds me of some of the old 007 golden eye maps, well just cuz it's closed in i guess. of...
i might, i'm at someone else's house right now and prob g2g soon, eh we'll see later i guess
hey i checked out ur website, cool dude, good luck with it
hey just wanna let ya know you can't please everyone, some people simply don't like stuff that maybe a majority of other people like, i mean it's...
:O !!!!
lolzorz nice bio
lol, sup
sure sounds good i guess
dude nice idea! and definitely i agree this would be highly tactical... you could either use hammer and try to hit people through the wall and...
yeah i get what you mean... should you really get credit for your ideas? or rather what you do with them? oooooh yeah, what a beastly question......
just a forgehubber :P