i like how the flag stands look while holding the weapon nice find man
building blocks 5x5 flat is a perfect wall
you double posted this map next time just edit your last post
I like the theory for this gametype, i just wish i could get enough people together to try it out
the term is Z-clipping^ and yes that does hurt the map. but all you have to do is move one wall ever so slightly back
^I agree that it makes more sense if spartans defended because aliens dont have oil rigs, maybe it could be trying to reclaim an oil rig that the...
looks good, ill dl it, one thing i think looks wierd is the grid, i think it is cheeky
the label does something, if you dont have any labels then the gametype wont start up at all
you could set it to negative points for the stockpile, then when you score everyone else goes down
do weapons fly through shield doors? if they dont you could try that Edit: I Tested this, Alas no
Nice aesthetics, did you run out on budget or piece limits, because you could delete unecessary pieces to try to get more ill Dl and explore,...
maybe you, the person who built it, cant get there fast, but someone who just picked this up would have no idea
Not everyone played overboard, could you explain how this works
ok, not the best forge art, but it works
Looks like a bucketload of fun Dl'd You didn't really explain this part about out of bounds boundaries, what do you mean reset?
one question, are vehicle indestructable?
I gotta say, ive seen tons of stealth firefights on the forum this is definitely the best
More info? seems like a nice idea but you didnt write anything about it Seriously, you may be new but you gotta do better
what are you smokin' (in a nice way) you set the the flag stand to CTF and the capture plate to CTF return boom done
I luv you