I want this armour.
I swear if I saw this on someones fileshare i would report them for a modding picture. theres no way this is possible, at least untill now im...
GRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr... this just totaly killed my "find a gun" map pack/game which i was planning on posting but never got a large enough party...
Looks very nice. I like how you can barricade the stairs and the front door. easy to make, nice blockade effect yet still can be knocked down by...
but it only shows six? 0_o (lol)
Ok I have the footage for the game we played. see if you can get on and we'll discuss it more and decided what were gonna do.
You can easily do so much more with this gametype and map. for one thing make the edges smoother so that you dont fall of as easily in the...
-Contrast -Contrasting -Judicial -Undisputed does that help? lol. Im new to this. -Between a rock... -Gorge -HardLand
the only reason i liked the release of bro slayer is for the custom game type. So many possibilitys now. that and now i dont have to stop driving...
DONT f***** GENKZ IT MAN! *"my precious" voice:* everything can change at the last moment... even for 343 studios
I took a look at he map in forge and its rather confusing. If I was a human just starting out in this I'd die almost instantly. Do you usualy play...
This does indeed look very well made but and I like how the game type is the default infection but easily tweaked. also... HOW THE f***, DID YOU...
I have tried to do somethin very similar in halo3 but they all failed or at least didn't meet expectations. This map is good for someone whos just...
I honestly cant wait to play this game when it comes out. The campaign should be decent, espacialy with all the horror in killing people n stuff...
drop the curtain- get 5 show stopers in a match (JERK!) nothing to see here- get 10 showstoppers in a match (B****!) the show cant go on...-get an...
funniest thing that ever happened to me in (halo 3) living dead... It was a tyipical game. me & my freinds, playing braaaaaaaaiins on orbital....
I am going to fall in love with this thread, I just know it. anyway mine would be triping the guy by kicking the back of his knees/heels,...
it hasent been posted yet but heres the link the the Bnet LOL LOL LINKIN DA LINK LOL LOL (map) AND IM LINKIN DA LINK TO DA GAME (game) get a...
flak gun? (or flank gun, whatever the **** those anti arcraft things used in WWII were called.) possibly tracks onto aircraft, like the slugs...
YAY your here! I love your signature, it makes meh grin everytime i look at it. =D