I have been talking about something like this ever since Halo:Reach came out. I would absolutly fall in love with a sandtrap/sandbox forgeworld in...
Make it so that only one part of the vehicle is destroyed at a time. Like for example, a pelican can have the gunner part destroyed, wings...
why you lookin at meh signature request thread!!! >=( (yes i did stalk you...)
NIBS, finaly found you on here bro, Its Talons013. I've played with you in one of irony's partys remember?? anyway add me if you want.
I would like that. maybe there will be a whole group dedicated to factions this time. I remember awhile ago it was one groups way of ending the...
Played this game only once and fell in love with it. This is definatly Halo:Reach's version of lava pit and it will stay on my hardrive for a very...
I like this. But with some suggestions in mind -for infection only games, make a night effect -invasion wouldn't be too bad on here -a highly...
This reminds me of factions invented by "The Hat of Win" (other wise known as "Hat") only with objectives, which I like. But with those objectives...
everybody make a SCREAAM!
I second this concern. Something like this can ruin games. Im not saying this to hurt your map but just because i've had this happen to me in the...
I thought of this concept before, but never found a way to put it into gameplay. For that I complement you. Also for other posters/downloaders the...
I remember using smoke gernades and c4/claymore too. don't know how or if you can incorporat this into the game. just throwen it out there. as...
I WANT MEH BANNANA!!!!!!!1!1!11!!!111111! lol this was a chaotic (trading cards) game and i enjoyed every minute of it. and zows probably the only...
meh, it okay. My first map of this was in halo 3 so i dunno about the "who came up with it first thing" but who cares? I have fun with it in my...
If only we did have a pelican, civy vehicles, and an elephant. scarab would be a plus but again, not pratical. Think of how awesome a cops n...
It was invasion slayer. I was in a tank, the other team in a captured warthog. a wraith had just blown my turret off and the warthog comes up and...
I think its called cannon foder chest piece and helmet. not sure though but I would totally confuse the AI in firefight... especialy with hologram
This looks great. I love the idea of the humans having to split up to get to different generators. On a side note, whats the name of the song for...
OH MEH GOUD YOU GOT REFRENCEDEDEDEDEDEEEED!!!!!! That must make you feel very, very, very, very, very ,very, very, (my thumbs hurt) very, very,...
I dont know why, but when i clicked on the link my virus protection software started kicking in. thnk goodness i cut the power or i might not be...