The amount od effort put in is outstanding, great interlocking and very original map design, just because it's small doesn't mean it doesn't have...
I can never figure out how to make a well made, cunstructive and decent buildings, if you post tips to help me that would help a lot thanks.
I like the green sparten.
Nexus V2 Simple map I made, for slayer and other game types, go for power or precision headshots, your choice. With the high medium or low...
"Your on" cool 5/5
It's good but could be better 3/5
there the same shot but good anyways 4/5
*gasp* Wow this is awesome good job keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to your next maps. Great use of the area, interlocking and...
just do that one so we can have the next one
so easy [IMG]
yub new pic will be up soon
hmm [IMG]
I'm willing to help make one on avalanche, I even have a plan for how it will be made. So if you want to pm me with info or, think of ideas, days...
GT: DarkFalcon 9314 Times I'm on: mostly on weekends. Mic:Works fine I'm looking for a partner to forge with, I'm not the best interlocker...
he's by the "A" sign on the foundry one
Next plz