EASY! not very hard [IMG]
I like the look of it in total, but not feature worthy. good geomerging and interlocking but from what I can tell from the pics it looks pretty...
Red: "kiddy up little horsey" Blue: "What is that the handdle of a hourse whip? Uh-oh no ,no ,no don't please no, ahhhhhh"
Hello and welcome to ForgeHub just to let you know this not up to FH standards for a map. Someone will put a link up to show to properly post a...
As far as I know you can post pics here, like the find master cheif game. So go ahead and post funny pics.
They stayed for about 2 minutes.
Looks even and well forged but if you don't mind me asking whats the point of the huge tower? Looks like it plays well, try and get some action...
Couldn't, all it said was hold RB to flip but nothing happened. I tried to grab it but it turned upside down, I could have gotten in it if was...
Some parts are kind of sloppy and uneven, I'm not a big fan of huge weapon displays and vehicles clustered together. The temple is good but i...
Looks good, I'm guessing sandbox with Juicy on right? Anyway Good angle and colors. 5/5
Sniper: way overused in screenshots try get more original weapons with better background colors. 3/5. Too much white in hot shot, you can't see...
I know most of you must have some loose weird screenshots lying around so here is where you can post them. [IMG] Some friends and I were...
Punker ? It looks like thers a spary of purple blood coming form his head, and the effects are overused sorry 2/5.
I think there could be a bit more dark blue but when you think about it, dark colors are over used, good 9/10
"what do ya mean no instuction manuel !"
Found him. [IMG]
I'm sorry to rain on your parade but you forgot the DL link, Looks good yet confusing, um how do you get back up the vertical tunnels ? 4.5/5
Ok so i was wrong but regardless it's a good map, I now think that the layout really supports the use of the banshee, sorry.
Looks good, loks like it will play well, not to mention well forged, But i think the banshee is overkill.
WOW! that is close , good that you made it. That is such a close call, really cool. 8/10