it looks great dude but you need more pics
awesome map dude!!!, great forgeing
dude that looks great cant wait to play
im not to crazy about it, its a little messy
lol dude nice job very different then a lot of maps i see on forgehubs
nice stucture but you really need to interlock on more stuff man
dude nice map!! great job on the interlocking
nice structure mn i give it a 8/10
nice map man i really like it dude you had clean forgeing skills
you need a longer description dude but other then that your map was good
nice map man looks like you put hard work into it
nice map dude i give it a 8/10
dude when my brother is going to see this he is going to go crazy lol
well before a lot of people were complaining about pic number 5 but now its something else lol
Remake of: VGI Impact V5 How long:1 day Map maker:Me Gametypes: FFA, Oddball and CTF 2 Bases: Red and Blue Map :...
good job interlocking
dude it looks great i really want to play on this map
great map i am looking foward to playing on it
nice map dude but its a little unorganized
i really do not like it because it does not meet the mlg standerds