I think the one scene that's always stuck with me since I became a fan was when Peter's telling Chris (I think) that doing toad is bad, and then...
Would having ADHD help my drumming, like drugs do for songwriting, or am I completely missing the point?
I don't like the sharpness of the ripples to his right, and it might just be me, but the lighting, too. I like the text though. :3
I start out with a play-through on Easy first because I want to get to know the story (though with Reach, doing that might take out the intensity...
I haven't heard him say that since... When? Or maybe I just don't watch it enough anymore. In any case, some of the characters were better off...
I actually do agree that the most recent stuff is getting better, but I just liked everything from season 4 and down much more than everything after.
Really, if you're worried about not possessing the ability to learn, don't worry, everyone has that (not sarcasm). Just look up a bunch of...
The first half of the show was much better than what we have now. Though it's still watchable.
I have this joke. But it's not really a joke, it's just really racist.
Usually I don't like watching through an entire speed drawing/painting video (I just skip to the end to be honest) but for some reason I enjoyed...
Plastic jar removed from Fla. bear cub's head - Yahoo! News It's sad (I guess) but the picture was hilarious.
Sup, bro. So you say you're a drummer, eh?
I'M SO GONNA MISS FORGE 1.0. And chopper.
During Forging only, and it's mostly the Chili Peppers, sometimes movie or game OSTs. When it's splitscreen on MM it's usually hip-hop/rap. It...
Well, they usually have a lot of these on CheatCC and Youtube. Well god damn, I knew I was doing something wrong. I still need these two, too.
I went gardening with my mom, lawl.
I have a kid's drum set with half of everything missing. I also have a Yamaha keyboard somewhere, I should dig it up and post pics or you won't...
I'm actually really relieved to hear it's good.
Not technically on the actual weekend, but a few days ago I went to Universal and rode King Kong in 3-D. That's right. I'd do it again, too, if...
I thought I had to or something bad would happen to me...