It looks pretty good, however I do think that releasing a "map pack" is a pretty lame idea. I mean, I don't think it's bad to create and release...
Thank you both for the download, I hope you enjoy it.
Before I begin, I'm going to state one thing that everyone should keep in mind while reading this thread. Level creation, like a lot of things, is...
Damn you furious for releasing something like this before me... XD seriously, the project I'm working on currently changes from symmetrical to...
Thanks, bib bob, I guess...
This reminds me a lot of onslaught... and I mean a lot. It looks good and I plan to download it, however, it seems as though the powerups that...
Thanks, brute captain, I actually had about 4 different level designs based on that shape, so if I decide to go back to that base, you might see...
This map was really nice, however, one thing I noticed was that every power weapon seemed right next to the other, meaning in one fell swoop, one...
No, what I meant is that my character "hopped' over little cracks between objects. I didn't jump, it's just that the objects didn't create a...
Well, I do plan to download and play this map. However, one thing that kind of concerns me is the spawn point placement. Right now, from the...
Well, go43r, I can't wait to hear what you thought of my map.
Thank you DrawtheLine and Brute captain. I really hope that I can get some constructive criticism from you all once you play it, if you choose to...
Splicers aren't scary, but the setting, the mood, the lighting, the big daddies, the little sisters, a freaking artist that makes his art from...
I think valhalla and standoff are enough. I didn't really like coag, nor do I really like valhalla... they seem very similar, but valhalla is a...
Ah, there are so many good XBox games. I mean, there's bioshock that was written and directed by god himself. There's rockband which is the game...
Wow, this map looks really cool. I just forged through it and walked through it and, really, it's nice. However, one thing that really bugged me...
I have to say, I just looked through this and a lot of the structures look nice, but I found a few things you could improve. Firstly, I went all...
I know it sucks when your map falls off the first page, but double-posting isn't allowed on forgehub.
If I were you, I'd check out the forging 101 section in the forge discussion subforum. They have a lot of tutorials on interlocking and neatness...
Alright, well I'm downloading this map and plan to play it eventually. It looks nice and your description sounds pretty nice, too. However, I've...