Yeah, I had a lot of misplaced anger in my post... he just happened to be the lucky winner of it all.
Well, thank you all for the downloads. I can't wait to hear back from you all should you choose to reply. Also, congrats, nemi on 2k posts.
Okay, dude prepare yourself, you just got on the wrong end of a train of *****. Firstly, learn to read or shut the hell up. If you read even any...
Once again, thanks brute captian... Oh, and poopiedeloopie, I'll take that as a compliment.
I don't know, epitaph wasn't that bad. I mean, it wasn't good, but it wasn't their worst mistake. I think that rat's nest was far worse... along...
I would love that as long as they added some more things and it wasn't an exact remake. I mean, I'd love covenant-themed items, but more items, a...
Are you kidding?! Aside from foundry, it owns the heroic map pack hardcore. I mean, ghost town is an amazing original map, blackout is a great...
I don't know, brute. I'll agree that this map plays well, but I noticed some furious spawn problems. Mainly, I remember respawning in the same...
This map looks phenominal. I definitely plan to download and play a few games on it then I'll get back to you... q'd for download.
Thanks, xanon, it was really a great help having you test it so much with me. I posted the regular version in the first post, I just think it...
Enjoyment: 8/10 This level is really fun for slayer and king of the hill. It doesn't play well for the 2-point objective games. while playing...
Thank you metal and linubidix... hopefully I can hear back from you all after you've played my map..
Thank you all for your downloads and comments. To address what camofo and flymingo said: I thought that the big wall in the middle was enough...
Is dank good or bad? I'm confused as to the language you whiper snapers use nowadays.
R3imagine is, essentially "the great wall" meets MLG on crack. For the love of ****ing christ, there are two versions. One for MLG one for...
Ah, okay... I'll have to get to that as soon as I finish my new map...
Alright, mind if I ask where the escape points are, I mean you said back room, but do you mean where invisibility is or back by where the stairs are?
I used to have a problem with MLG, my reason were: They took halo and butchered it. They take away 60% of the weapons and messed with the damage...
Just to let everyone know, I finished my post on the first page... it's up now.
I'll start by answering the questions in this thread. 1.My favorite three maps in the halo game now are: -Guardian for slayer and team slayer....