Good job on the map i dled and tryed it out. gameplay was good, so were aesthetics. I loved the docks, great idea pretty sure its original. never...
Wow this was amazing, I had so much fun playing the map and gametype. i love the idea and you pulled it off amazingly, you are definately my...
Thanks, i think escape is my favourite aswell and then rainbow and then light and dark last. :)
It doesn't count in grifball though, and i find that game way too overrated considering its pretty boring. IMO
No idea how you play on 2 and 1, thats way to slow for me, i play on 10 except when i switch to mlg then i go down to 6 which actually makes me...
ya that would be really cool, it would probably **** up the gameplay though, maybe if they added it just to forge like the sentinel beam and the...
I like the picture but i can only see number 1 and therefore cannot judge which one is better.
Didnt play the first or second, im currently waiting for money to buy them cus they seem epic. Fav H3 maps: Guardian, Construct, and Rats nest
wow really fun map, i especially like how you did it with ghosts, very very fun, good job :)
I dont really like the first one but the second one is pretty good, and i think the horns are longer and curved and make it look more like a bunny IMO
Very nice i love how evil it looks with the dark clouds and the dark sun and everything around it. Good job
The second is the best but none of them really seem that good, i dont like the lighting.
The first one definately its alot better IMO
My favourite is the first one i love the color
My favourite was the gold one they were alright, how did you get the pixel and color ones?
Wow loved the map interlocking, gmaeplay and all it was very fun and alot better than what i could make :P great job
Wow love the originality of this map, dont think ive seen anything like this before. love the bridge its a little sloppy but still pretty pleasing...
wow what an ass, agreed with all the tags and reported :)
Ill be sure too fix this in a v2, thanks for the feedback
I think the middle wall is jumpable but the surrounding ones definately arent. As for the random weapons thats only in the other variant that can...