Lol, nice i never thought of making one of those for this pic
very good idea, i dont think id be able to come up with something like this. gameplay looks great, ill download and try it out when i get my xbox back
Lmao, well i thought it was funny XD
It means bad kid its like a slang used mainly in mlg games, first time i heard it i thought it was burger king XD
Something i made in forge today when i was really bored. I send it to bk's XD Please Enjoy, feel free to download, rate, and comment here. [IMG]
Lmao, wow you can't even use a budget glitched map? Your not suppose to delete them genius, your suppose to move them, and it only says you can't...
Actually i read it fine, nor was it laggy at all. Pretty good map nothing to amazing, i would have to agree with the other guy, it is way too...
wow nice, why'd you keep saying it wasnt aesthetically pleasing? I thought it looked really nice, very smooth aswell. great job on the map, queued.
Thanks, I was thinking about doing a v2 now that i know the save/end game trick that gets you more items, but im not sure if ill do it, cuz this...
Yours may be a full remake but it is alot sloppier, and hes right the mancannons don't quite work.
a smiley face i made a long time ago, it was probably my first picture. Thought id post it. File. Feel free to tag, comment, and rate. [IMG]
gonna have to agree with the first two posters, the first one is my favourite its amazing. how did you get such an effect?
Thanks, i really like that one too and the first one aswell.
hey, which of these 6 pics are better, I can't decide plz vote and comment. Skeelz [IMG] Grahha [IMG] Ghostly [IMG] Spartan [IMG]...
Wow great shots, my favoruite is the last one it looks like you ahve a negative effect on him.
wow alot of these seem like great gametypes, my only problem is the zero exp part.....
This post is not up to forgehub standards you ahve to have embed pics of your map on your thread so we can see some of your map....
wow alot of people are remaking guardian, im already done mine though its not really a remake its more inspired by still i beleive mine is quite...
Here are my 3 sandbox maps. Guard-it Remake-ish more inspired by Guardian. Gladiators v2 Tournament like game. Covex Team...
Good job, I also did a remake/inspired by Guardian map on sandbox.i tried yours out it was sloppy in some parts but overall it was pretty good....