D: When did it die? Anywho, catch you laterz. Man.
I can haz review? Plausibly shoutbawx?
I have no idea what a dubstep mix is, but I came a little anyway. Very nice editing, man. Great jawb.
You there, Peggle. Any updates on the review? :3
I don't doubt that in the slightest. Anywho, any progress on my review? :D
Yeah...I'm not a big fan of Sarge. I bitched at him. It backfired. I'm a *****.
Found that pic while "doing work" :P Anyways, thanks for having a look at the writing. The only people who've actually read it is my friend (who...
Yeah, sure. I'm always happy to hear from a superior writer :D Also: [spoiler] [IMG][/spoiler]
Dewd. Respawnd? :3 Also, I'm afraid to say that PS3 is my new console :P
Sure thang. But would you mind having a look at my DA account? My writing has vastly improved since "Henry Creeves". Profile Linky
I have indeed. Are you worried about the jetpacks like me? :P And on an unrelated note: do you have a Deviantart (however it's spelt) account?
Mr Peggleton!
Harro. Say, you wouldn't have a Deviantart, would you?
Haha, no, not really. I'm slowly but surely finishing up on Foun-Dry v4, but too much time is being dedicated to some good ol' PS3 :P
So, long time no...visitor message? Any maps up your sleeve?
Akimbo Deagles suck ass. They might be slightly accurate with Steady Aim, but really, they are only good for Last Stand. Even then, .45's FTW!...
Perhaps they were plotting against my arm for years...
Tires in laser skirmish arenas + my feet don't mix.
Fractured elbow :D
It's already been released.