That's awsome! Can't believe you got three kills doing that!
I take it your an art student? And yes i do like them
It's when your shields go down, I was doing it in campaign in oen of those areas where ur screen freezes and it stays on ur screen
In soem of your pictue the qulity seems to hae somehow dropped in some places
You can make the graffiti even more noticiabel if you use 2 orbs :p BTW most of em are pretty good but some you can't see very well
That sounds cool, Thanks! P.S. i don't actually know what some of that means :p
Hey' I have photoshop 7.0 and i'm wondering if anyone could recomend any good brushes for making signatures?
A strong argument that has flaws is "What you believe" People say it all matters about what you believe but then there is no definate answer of...
Pretty good re-cap!
OK now i've lured you into my intro... read on... I joined FH about 7 years ago and i still haven't made an intro. (Well it's actually 1 and a...
Yeah, i got a Turtle Beach X-1 and they're awesoem, also MLG can you get Astra's in England?
This effect is awesome!
This map is so HARD!
DLed :) Felt like doing a puzzle map :D
They both look sick, i prefer first.
Welcome to my wall :D
IMO there is too much space in this map. Also do you not think that the power weapons should have a longer respawn time then something like a frag...
Looks great, and is that purple orb a cross of red orb and blue orb? Because it looks friggin cool
that looks AWESOME
It looks pretty good except for the scenery outside, it's just a lot of random boxes dotted around, maybe some broken vehicles or something more...