Shadow Fire and the blue matrix are the best ones imo. SHadow fire just looks cool and the blue matrix has a good transition of colours.
It's edited and it still doesn't look very good.... 3/10
Veams is only one i like tbh. Other ones are too unclear and too crowded.
sneaky reds is best imo, none of the others are really anything special.
Pickle looks pretty cool, howd you do it? Also the illusion ones don't look very good because there are blatant gaps in between the blocks..
For me, none of the screenshots have come up , you might want to fix that...
Looks cool, im gonna try it out when i get on!
Quite good. But some letetrs are hard to read. E.g. the r in fear
How many box pictures can you have?!!? NEver the less still funny! EPIC!
iBox meant to be like Walshy? 5/5!
Erotic grunt on brute action!
Very creative with the boxes! Funny aswell!
Awsome illusion! For soem reason box looks pixelated though.
I can barely see it, it looks pretty cool though. 5/10
I liek 3 , 5 , 8 and 10. I think the colour tranisitions in 3 and 5 are awesome, and i like the colour of 8 :p 10 just looks cool.
The spartans kinda ruined the screenshot, with them in it you can tell how far or close the block is.
Era IMO, i'm not a big fan of scenery screenshots.
None are good IMo. Sorry.
I love these creations! When i tried to make one i simply failed... :'(
I'm probably gonna be lured into it simply because i lurvvve southpark!