[IMG] This is a side map for Twilight Gnomes Virus Strain 52 map pack, made by me for his gametype. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I've just finished up my map to possibly go in the pack. I'll pm you the screenshots tomorrow.
Mods = Bad here. Please find a different gametype. Grif: He means gametype.
Stop that, it is incredibly patronising of newer members, alot of people dislike seeing it. Its not the nicest forged map I've seen, and its...
With filters I cant tell anything, Take some shots with filters off and you might get my dl. I don't dl to check because of bad screenshots.
zomg. Amazing teaser twilight! I am gonna die of excitement!!!! Its gonnna be awesome!
It doesnt seem too multileveled if you get what I mean, having played chaos caverns that still seems to me as the greatest cave maps. If it was...
Anyone else thinking infection??
Woah! Cool it too! Dream told him what he needed, all the other dude did was give a link, You can just as easily google the website. I managed it...
Its beautifully forged, Although the only thing which stands out to me is the turrets arc of fire, Most save one bullet maps contain a turret, I...
I tend to go for virtuslly no curve in my maps, with a steady one human death per encounter, thats only if they work alone, I think you did well...
ooohh Pick me! Gt is Kalriq, I would suggest making a number of different 'zones' allowing more housing districts and such.
I personally would find the the fence walls incredibly off putting and tedious, they are incredibly inconsistent for shooting through and nading...
thanks for getting back to me, I'll definitely not have it finished until halloween anyway, Its basically a sewage complex with a huge drainage...
hey twilight, I was wondering if you would let me use your virus strain 57 gametype for a map I'm making and testing, the reason is becuase its a...
I like the tail, the overturned warthog reminds me of Jurrasic park, neaten up the ribcage if you can I suggest.
With the discovery of ghost merging, could you not try building this on the surface now?
Again another nice map! Better than Crackhouse again, keep up the good forging on these sorts of maps, Although would it be better for ascetics if...
Woah, Amazing maps and gametype, my dl is secure, I'm particularly liking the look of the Weatherbird on Blackout, I'm definitely gonna have to...
Now thats a good map. Far better than Cr@ckhouse. I think the geomerging is excellent, although you have probably used the new technique its...