i tried the filters. they looked dumb. thanx for the suggestion though!
thanx lockdown. i see you changed your sig picture!
how is it empty? the whole map is used, except for the back of foundry.
no nobody notices the flamethrower anyway.
yeas jedi eli did! can people please comment on this map in bungie?
i appreciate your opinion but this map was well thought out, and yes, it is very, very fun.
yes this is my map. thanx SuperGogeta!
there are gates on the first floor of each level.
thanx dude!
damnit. it's not supposed to be there. well when i played it no one ever noticed it and they never got it.
Map Title: Collision Two working gates and great interlocking! Download Map Compatible with Team Slayer and Capture the Flag. Works best with...
thanx for the comments. idk why you cant see the pics. look at the bungie post.
it took over 10 hours. a quicky but a good one!
yeah dreadnaught is awesome!
yeah i know.
impresive! you've got my DL!
nice interlocking! looks great!
yeah great map! i was one of the first ones to see it!
i love dead rising! great job on the map! i think it os very original!