Thanks for all who downloaded! It is now up to 1500 downloads!
Thanks for the feedback. I tried to be as original as I could trying to make a really competitive map. Thanks!
Very fun! Good job!
Hey bam! Looks really good, and is wicked fun. That's what she said lol. (inside joke)
now up to 140 downloads!
thanx for the support guys!
looks nice! though you could have interlocked the double boxes being used as barriers.
Amazing! I just went around this map in Forge and it is a truelly amazing idea, and very original! Good work!
Very nice! Better than V1 too! Good job! I also like your Courtyard map.
Sweet! Great map! Keep up the good work, dude!
thanx guys. me and him already settled it, and yes my mistake for no giving credit, but my thread got locked =(
thanx guys! i appretiate you guys downloading!
thanx sweman
you fall off. what do you mean?
sweet! thanx man!
thanx for the good comments! too bad this thread got locked =(
check out my comment on Bungie!
wow this is wierd. too wierd. it almost like Halo Escher.
yeah i wish it had a working conveyer belt. still cool though!