It actually is not covering up his arm. The part under the nade is the spartan's hand in an upturned position (the sniper there was in the end of...
[IMG] Shot at 2009-10-14 The UNSC has just issued out a grenade that will blow up anything within a 70 mile radius. Tick, tick, WTF BOOOOOM!...
YouTube - ODST Firefight WTF Play: Sniper gets Double laser kill?? Comment, Rate, and subscribe
Dude? have you played Halo 1? this is a remake of the map Hang 'em High. Learn Halo history before you critique remakes of past maps. Anyways,...
This is one of my Utube friend's Spore creation. All of his creations are Hardcore but he doesnt have any subscribers. PLZ help him out!!!...
"Get down!!" part had me ROTFLOL'ing
YouTube - 97% Notes Hit Satch Boogie Solo F Slider Bar only I think that is the highest recorded percentage on Solo F (Done by me)
I was recently looking through some threads and i saw an arguement about the BR. People were argueing that the BR is too powerful and that it...
It is not an all girl gamer site but it is a good site to meet girl gamers. Its a very good site for gamers.
I really just need a well designed platform that will represent the Gas Mine. It doesnt need to be accurate, it just has to be there :P The...
Okay then. So whenever you make progress, plz let me know. I have started my own but it might just be a failure in the end >_>
I just passed by ads on youtube for the "Myspace" for gamers. I checked out and it is pretty cool. On the site, you can make tests,...
That would be great. Remember, I dont need it to BE the Gas Mine, I just need something i can call the Gas Mine. And how can we stay in contact,...
Very nice! Great effect and perfect camera positioning. 10/10
Ever since GH:WT, mostly everyone would avoid the Slider Bar. People say it is too sensitive and not accurate. Well you are all wrong! The Slider...
It doesn't have to look anything like the actual mine, I just need some thing that will resemble the mine. I was looking at the Pics of your map...
Yup you are correct. And thx for liking the story. I thought the Heretic Leader was an awesome character so I really want to make his existence...
WOW! Thats excellent. Great job!
I am making a completely original Machinima series and I really need a good Forger for some help. Here is an overview of the Machinima series I...
Looks Epic