Sweet thanks for the tips.
Lifeline Made by: iNeurotic (me) Hope you've found your lifeline... Download Lifeline Layouts The Basic Layout [IMG] Points of Interest [IMG]...
wow, forum rules these days. But, to stay on topic, listen to the guy above, cause you can't just go around - repping people for the fun of it.
This map looks great. You have very clean interlocking and everything looks great together. What I especially like is your boxes with a wall and...
Neurotic Made by: iNeurotic (aka ROC bioflame) Theres a 99% chance of death... Download Neurotic Overview [IMG] Description (4-10...
Actually spawn camping isn't really a big problem, there is a small amount of camping but there isn't alot of weapons to camp with, the weapon...
Carnage Cube Made by: iNeurotic (ROC bioflame) I hope your not Claustrophobic... DOWNLOAD CARNAGE CUBE Overview [IMG] Description (2-4...
I recommend merging all the boxes on the floor together, It'll make your make more smooth. But other than that, it's great.
OMG, I am loving that center platform! and that teleporter!, it reminds me of a flying saucer or something spacey like that.
I like how you used an elevator to get to the sniper spawn, it's probably not very original but I don't know I havn't looked on FH in awhile.
It looks very clean and well organized even with the amount of items you have put down, I like the big middle structure the most.
That lol'ed my face off.
I am really stuck on a map name for my new map, I could really use some ideas for the name, for the help, anyone who helps without posting "smart"...
Team Leader in RSV2, its like VIP but theres a major thing halo doesn't include to make it
awe, no unlimited $ glitch on it?
O yah, and are those the real respawn rates for the weapons?
No don't worry, The only $ glitched map i need is foundry.
I have the MAC version and I believe its the same. because CE doesn't have a flamethrower Im pretty sure.
I just love the look of it for some reason, maybe cause I LOVED Beaver Creek, The only problem I saw when I watched the video was when you died,...
but i don't think you should've used objects to hold weapons and equipment them up, its just harder to use them withouth having 15 weapons falling...