ahh sorry bud :'( u fancy a game online?
Ahh ty insane, dont listen to me Plasmy :L
No im pretty much certain defenders are blue, if not them im sorry :D
Ok first of the map looks good and tidy and shall mix up the whole br dome concept 5/5 for the map but mods are severly frowned upon here at...
Indigo who is the girl in your avatar ?(6) oh ayeeee:L
Ok what you need to do is when in forge change gametype to VIP then make sure your STARTING points are set to Attackers=Red and Defenders=Blue,...
Kb ur the best :d
yes i be teh randomer u chatted to in the lolbox
its kool man, aslong as your sworen to secrecy ill shall send them in ...... a private message
hey man , yeah i thought of that and enquired with kb and hes down for it insane says he'll make magic if it catches on, wanna know some future...
Okokok. When I said infection spawns I didnt mean for it to be competitive it was the only thing I could think of at 2:00 AM :L just any spawns...
Kidbomber could you make a banner for my new Base of the Month? No style, upto yourself
Rorak :d
yeh playability is a factor in this theme because its a easy map to forge on :D and at aceofspades that would be cool :D yeh ill talk to pegasi...
[IMG] Thanks to Kidbomber for the sig ;) Hello and welcome to the first ever base of the month submission thread. The T&C for this...
Ok prizes could be......sig, place in map pack? I dunno
Ok Update Time: Ok once a month seems really popular so ill go with that. And you say about no themes then procede to name many different themes...
Okay, bit of a long shot here but who would acctually make maps for a base of the week competition? Every fortnight I would chose a different...
Okay, bit of a long shot here but who would acctually make maps for a base of the week competition? Every fortnight I would chose a different map...
what can i say :L im just that good also add on double richochet throwing knife kill :L @Benji Not for me :S:L P.S SMILEYS FOR FH